is the NextJS / MongoDB / Tailwind application with all you need to organize, schedule and share posts on X for free in minutes.

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

The key features include:

7 steps ahead

  1. Setup the repository
  2. Create a MongoDB instance on Atlas
  3. Create a Twitter application
  4. Setup S3 for image upload
  5. Add support for OpenAI
  6. Deploy on Vercel
  7. Create a CRON job


Ensure you have the following installed:

Cloning the Repository

Clone this repository:

git clone

Move to the folder just cloned:

cd reposter

Set your private repository url:

git remote set-url origin<my-github-user>/reposter.git

Set this repository as your upstream fork, so you can pull updates when needed:

git remote add upstream

We recommend to watch to the repository, so you know when there's an update. To pull the latest updates, use:

git pull upstream main

In case we change the same files, you will need to resolve the conflicts.

Alternatively, you can cherry-pick changes so to reduce the amount of conflicts across the files.

Installing the Node Modules

Install the Node modules with the following command:

npm i

If you want to run it locally, just type:

npm run dev

Create the local variables

Copy the .env.example file into a .envfile

Below the list of the main variables:

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NextAuth
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X OAuth
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database URI
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application Settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OPENAI (Optional)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# S3 SETTINGS (Optional for uploading images)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X V1 API (Optional for uploading images)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a MongoDB instance on Atlas

Create an account on Atlas. Follow this tutorial to setup a MongoDB instance.

The free tier can be enough to start.

Once created, get the connection string from "Database Deployments" -> "Connect"

Alt text

Then click on "Connect to your application" -> Drivers -> "3. Add your connection string into your application code".

Alt text

Once you copy the connection string, fill the MONGODB_URI variable in the .env file

Create a Twitter application

Subscribe to the Developer Platform. See this tutorial for a better overview.

Create a new project and a sub application, with access to API v2 and OAuth. Read here for more details.

If you go for the Free plan, remember that you (and all other enabled users in can only publish 50 requests / 24 hours.

Once created the application, go to the "Settings" -> "User authentication settings" and edit the "User authentication set up":

Alt text

Alt text

Once created the application, go to the "Keys and tokens" -> "OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Client Secret" section and get:

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At this point you have setup all necessary configuration to publish textual only posts.

Add support for image upload (Optional)

To enable image upload, you need to get also some additional keys.

From the Developer Portal, open your application and go to the "Keys and tokens" section.

From "Consumer Keys" section and get:

From "Authentication Tokens" -> "Access Token and Secret" section and get:

Setup S3 for image upload (Optional)

We are using the next-s3-upload package to directly upload all images from the next app to s3.

In order to do that, follow its detailed tutorial here

Create a new S3 bucket and store the name of the bucket as S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET and its region as S3_UPLOAD_REGION in your .env file.

Bucket permissions

Public access

Once the bucket is created you'll need to go to the permissions tab and make sure that public access is not blocked.

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Bucket policy

Next, you'll need to add the following bucket policy. Click the Edit button in the Bucket policy section and paste in the following policy.

Alt text

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Statement1",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:GetObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME/*"

Before saving the policy, you'll need to replace BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket you created in the previous step.

Save the policy to return to the bucket permissions screen.

CORS permissions

Next, you'll also need to add the following permissions in the CORS section.

    "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
    "AllowedMethods": ["PUT", "POST"],
    "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
    "ExposeHeaders": ["ETag"]

Here's what the CORS permissions will look like once you paste in the above JSON.

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These settings are required so users can upload files to your bucket.

IAM user

Next, we'll need to create API keys that give your Next app access to AWS.

Go to the IAM section of AWS and add a new user with Programmatic access.

For the permissions step click Attach existing policies directly and then click the Create policy button.

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When the policy editor opens, click on the JSON tab and paste in the following policy.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "STSToken",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "sts:GetFederationToken",
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:sts::ACCOUNT_ID:federated-user/S3UploadWebToken"]
      "Sid": "S3UploadAssets",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Resource": [

Before saving the policy, you'll need to replace:

Allowed file formats

The example above only allows jpg, jpeg, png, gif and webp files to be uploaded: you'll want to make sure that only images are allowed to be uploaded.

Save the policy

Next, click review policy, and name the policy next-s3-upload. The name doesn't matter, so feel free to use anything you'd like. Follow any prompts and create the policy.

Now go back to the tab where you were adding a user. Search for the policy you created and select it. If the policy doesn't show up click the refresh button.

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Select the policy and continue creating the user. You can just click through the next steps, there's no more configuration.

Once the user is created you'll see a screen with their API keys. Copy these keys to .env as S3_UPLOAD_KEY and S3_UPLOAD_SECRET.

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That's it! We're done configuring AWS for uploads.

After completing the Setup section, you should have filled all these variables in the .env file:

Add support for OpenAI (Optional)

Create an account on the OpenAI Platform.

Once you have funded you account, grab the key from and paste it into the OPENAPI_KEY variable in the .env file.

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Additional config variables

If you want to enable the signup to more than one user, just change the value of MAX_ALLOWED_USERS=1 in the .env file

If you don't want to publish on X, just set as false the variable PUBLISH_ENABLED=true

The SCHEDULE_SECRET variable is used to check that the CRON job call is authenticated. Change this value and keep it secret.

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

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Create a CRON job needs an external CRON job that call the <application-url>/api/webhook/scheduler endpoint to send posts to X.

The easiest way to create it is by creating an account on Cron Jobs. Alt text

Once signed up, create a POST request that runs every 5 minutes for example, that point to the application url setup on Vercel (like: Alt text

Then click on the "Advanced" tab and set a custom header: X-Auth-Token with the value you defined in the SCHEDULE_SECRET variable.

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If you see that your scheduled posts are not published:


Reposter is a self hosted Next.js application with all you need to organize, schedule and share social posts.
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Sell access to your GitHub repositories in 5 minutes. The NextJS / Supabase / Stripe / Tailwind boilerplate with all you need to Sell access to your GitHub repositories easily.
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